Prof. Joanne Yip's groundbreaking nighttime brace has gained widespread media attention for its innovative treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), earning two prestigious awards at the 2024 Silicon Valley International Inventions Festival (SVIIF). Developed by the Prof. Yip and her research team, this advanced brace seamlessly integrates cutting-edge technology with clinical research and material science, providing a tailored solution for young patients. It ensures effective spinal correction while maximizing comfort.
Source: CCTV
The brace features a sophisticated system that dynamically adjusts corrective forces in real-time, enhancing patient compliance and minimizing discomfort for young users. Its use of breathable, sweat-wicking fabrics and an air-bag support belt further enhances the user experience, marking a significant advancement in scoliosis treatment. Ongoing clinical trials aim to refine this technology further, and its potential to improve the quality of life for adolescents with scoliosis is generating discussions among healthcare professionals and parents alike. The extensive media attention underscores the importance of innovation in healthcare and highlights Prof. Yip’s team's dedication to advancing treatment options for those affected by this condition.

Source: Hong Kong Commercial Daily
We extend our sincere gratitude to the following media outlets for their coverage of Prof. Joanne Yip’s innovative nighttime brace for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis:
- TVB - 理大美國矽谷國際發明創新節獲九個獎項 包括治療脊柱側彎智能背心等
- Now TV - 智能支架改善青年脊柱側彎 理大科研團隊矽谷發明創新節獲獎
- CCTV - 香港理工大学科研项目获美国矽谷国际发明创新奖九个奖项
- RTHK - PolyU wins awards at US invention event
- HKEJ - 智能襯墊夜間支架連奪兩獎 參與矽谷發明展 理大獲9殊榮
- HKET - 理大科研團隊 奪矽谷發明節9獎項
- HKET - 香港科研|理大研無綫心電圖貼片 減對用家皮膚負擔 團隊:港府資金到位助發展
- Sing Tao Daily - 矽谷國際發明創新節理大奪9獎
- Sing Tao Headline Daily - 矽谷國際發明創新節理大奪9獎
- am730 - 研青少年原發性脊柱側彎智能夜間矯型支架 理大︰盼完成臨床測試後商品化
- TKWW - 「矽谷國際發明創新節」 理大科研榮獲九項大獎
- Wen Wei Po - 揚威國際發明創新節 理大透氣心電貼片奪金
- HKCD - 理大科研揚威美國「矽谷國際發明創新節」勇奪9獎項
- Dot Dot News - 理大科研勇奪「矽谷國際發明創新節」九獎項
- Dot Dot News - 點直播|理大科研揚威美國「矽谷國際發明創新節」新聞發布會|8月21日
- Chinese Press - 理大美國矽谷國際發明創新節獲九個獎項 包括治療脊柱側彎智能背心等